Analytical Balances
Analytical Balances are top loading balances which are normally fitted with a weigh below hook for processes such as density determination. Normally employing a draft shield, they offer the highest levels of precision and accuracy.
Centrifuges are typically used in laboratories for the separation of -
High Capacity...
High Capacity Precision Balances are top loading precision weighing instruments. They have capacities comparable to low-medium capacity bench or platform scales but with far more precise weighing intervals. They come in bench and floor mounting configurations.
Moisture Analysers
Moisture content is monitored in many industries including commercial food production, and the plastics and pharmaceuticals industries. Although the process is consistent between moisture analysers, the precision of the heating element, weighing and timing devices determines the accuracy of the instrument.
NMI Trade Approved Scales
Australian Law requires that any scale that is used to weigh an item to determine it's sale price must have an NMI Approval Number and be verified by a licensed verifier or inspector. All scales within this category are of an NMI approved design or pattern and are marked with an NMI Approval Number. Please visit the NMI website for further information. -
Pipette Testers
Pipete testers are used to calibrate pipetes and test them for accuracy.
Precision Balances
Precision Balances are a top loading balances and usually come with a weigh below hook for processes such as density determination. Low capacity/high resolution models generally employ draftshields. They are second only to Analytical Balances in terms of precision and accuracy.
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